"You'll laugh till it hurts."
— Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
"One of the most winning movie creations in years."
— Stephen Hunter, Washington Post
"A little movie with a lot of heart and a lot of laughs."
— Lou Lumenick, New York Post
"One-of-a-kind high school comedy for the family."
— Nell Minow, Common Sense Media
"Has more belly laughs than 10 studio-produced, star-vehicle comedies."
— Bill Muller, Arizona Republic
"It's a cast of brilliant caricatures, and as such recalls the films of Wes Anderson."
— Dave Calhoun, Time Out
"Revels in its own kookiness and is the most engaging teen movie to emerge from the States for many a year."
— Adrian Hennigan, BBC.com
"An epic, magisterially observed pastiche on all-American geekhood, flooring the competition with a petulant shove."
— Michael Atkinson, Village Voice