This FREE film series is part of the “Magna Carta: Enduring Legacy 1215-2015” Exhibit on display at MSU’s Meyer Library from Oct. 12 - 23, 2015. For a complete listing of all events go to [missouristate.edu/magnacarta](http://www.missouristate.edu/magnacarta/). First come, first seated. Art Historian Dr. Tom Russo (Drury University) will speak about court life and the political landscape of the Henry II’s Angevin empire in the late twelfth century and how this relates to the development of Magna Carta in 1215. Summary: 1183 AD: King Henry II's three sons all want to inherit the throne, but he won't commit to a choice. They and his wife variously plot to force him. **This series is made possible thanks to the generous support of exhibit sponsors: The Law Firm of Neale & Newman, LLP; Lathrop & Gage, LLP; Strong-Garner-Bauer, PC; Kent and Jan Hyde; Lee and Julie Viorel; Mark L. McQueary**
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