Drury @ the Moxie: Great insights to great films courtesy of Drury’s Humanities faculty The Moxie and Drury University’s Humanities Department are sponsoring this program in partnership with the [Missouri Humanities Council](http://www.mohumanities.org/) and with support from the [National Endowment for the Humanities](http://www.neh.gov/). Dr. Peter Meidlinger will be presenting a discussion of the film. SUMMARY: Through a series of military and political accidents, a psychotic general - U.S. Air Force Commander Jack D. Ripper (Hayden) - triggers an ingenious, irrevocable scheme to attack Russia's strategic targets with nuclear bombs. The U.S. President (Sellers) and Dr. Strangelove (Sellers), a wheelchair-bound nuclear scientist who has bizarre ideas about man's future, work with the Soviet premier in a desperate effort to save the world
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