This film is part of our True/Fale film serie @ the Moxie. A $25 “passport” gets you into all five movies in the series. Every year at the True/False Film Festival [(truefalse.org)](http://truefalse.org/) we see more great documentaries than we know we have time and space to show...well this year we finally got tired of that and decided to throw a mini-fest showcasing our favorites from the 2015 festival that otherwise weren't going to get a run. With the gracious assistance of the good folks at T/F, we hope to create a little semblance of the magic they specialize in so on a few of the Monday night screenings we'll have Q&As with some directors (via Skype) and have local buskers perform before a few screenings. Many of these screenings. If you just want to see the movie, check out he Sunday screenings. Summary: In 1971 a brave group of young activists set sail from Vancouver in an old fishing boat. Their mission: to stop Nixon's atomic bomb tests in Amchitka, a tiny island off the west coast of Alaska. It was from these humble but courageous beginnings that the global organisation that we now know as Greenpeace was born. Chronicling the fascinating untold story behind the modern environmental movement, this gripping new film tells the story of eco-hero Robert Hunter and how he, alongside a group of like-minded and idealistic young friends in the '70s, would be instrumental in altering the way we now look at the world and our place within it. True/False @ the Moxie Series Oct. 4 & 5: Finders Keepers Oct. 11 & 12: How To Change the World Oct. 18 & 19: Something Better to Come Oct. 25 & 26: Cartel Land Nov. 1 & 2: The Look of Silence
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