Local films are $5 and seating is first come first serve. A film following the non-profit, I Pour Life. I Pour Life is based in Springfield, Missouri but working in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Korah is a film born to create awareness, generate action and inspire a brighter future. This documentary shares the stories of those who have experienced Korah first hand and seen how I Pour Life is impacting this community to grow economically and flee from the stigma of being unwanted. It’s a beautiful story of growth and a dream causing action which in turn has changed Korah for the better. The Purpose Pursuit is a nonprofit that works to expose injustice in the world in order to help those who are able to find purpose in a life driven towards changing the world in a positive way all while abolishing injustice and filling the gap between nonprofits and people who can help. Learn more about [The Purpose Pursuit](http://www.thepurposepursuit.org/) organization
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