Sponsored by A& B Cycles. All ticket money goes to [TrailSpring](http://trailspring.org/). We'll screen two adrenaline-addled mountain bike shorts. Not Bad (2014) This is a tale of epic adventure. A tale of seven brave riders who set out from the four corners of the globe to gather together under one roof in a town located at the ends of the earth. A tale with no beginning and no end but where a few things happen in between. Things like eel fights. Yeah that’s right... f’n eel fights. So watch this movie. Why? Because it’s 'Not Bad... 30 days of bicycle tomfoolery in New Zealand'. Not2Bad (2016) No one takes you serious in the movie business unless you make at least two of something - more is always better right? And this is serious business. Serious off-road bicycle riding business. So get ready for a whole lot of more. More deep thoughts. More X-treme. And more slow-mo - especially more slow-mo. The "NotBad" crew reconvenes for more mountain bike madness...this time in Spain!
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