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Right in the Eye: Live Movie Concert of Georges Méliès Films

Right in the Eye (En plein dans l’œil) is a mutltimedia show composed of 12 films by Georges Méliès, a pioneer of the Cinema and a wizard of special effects.
(NR, 75 min.)


Tuesday, April 1, 2025

7:30 PM

Tickets are $20/Adults & $15/Members for this special event.
Reserve your seat here!

Right in the Eye
(En plein dans l’œil) is a mutltimedia show composed of 12 films by Georges Méliès, a pioneer of the Cinema and a wizard of special effects.
On stage, three virtuoso musicians play some fifty different instruments, including rare and unique ones, breathing fresh impetus into these cinematographic gems.
In a subtly-staged setting, in perfect symbiosis with the imagery, the musicians transport us in an inventive production, performed both onstage and onscreen, that reflects the creative genius of Méliès. []

Concept, music compositions and sound
creation, keyboard, piano frame, melodica,
miscellaneous objects:

Jean-François Alcoléa

Drums, guitar:

Fabrice Favriou or Hervé Joubert

Sound, keyboard, percussion, objects:

Mathieu Lucas

Lighting and video:

Noémie Mancia or Eric Seldubuisson
With the collaboration of Claire Bergerault,
voice; Alain-Bernard Billy, lighting; Guillaume
Habrias, guitar; Laurent Meunier, vidéo
packaging Régis Roudier, outside gate; Sophie
Burgaud and Daniel Péraud, construction, sets

Vidéo capture:

Alain Chasseuil and Batiste Combret
Production: PASOA - Alcoléa & cie
Partnerships: Lobster Films, La Cinémathèque
Française, Nuances Pianos, Jazz à Poitiers,
La Rotative - Maison des Projets (86), La M3Q
(86), La Caravelle (33)

With the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Region, Poitou Charentes Cinema – Visual
Image Education Dept., OARA, the Department
of Vienne, DRAC for cultural initiatives, ADAMI,
SACEM, SPEDIDAM, CNM, the French Institute

Watch Trailer

"It is at once inventive, elegant and moving… Right to the core."

— Avignon Festival, France

"Recapture the sheer manic daftness of Meliès’ inventive genius."

— The Scotsman, UK

"A crystallization of how cinema and music evoke wonder in those who give it a chance."

— Technique, USA

"Right in the Eye is one of the best live performances I’ve ever seen. Truly talented and ingenious artists."

— Alex Credeur

"The three musicians whisk the audience away on a peaceful, dream-like journey to the moon or beyond – a feast for the eyes and for the ears!"

— Falaise, FR

"This performance ranks as one of the best performances that I’ve seen anywhere. This was wonderful, dynamic experience."

— Linda Semere

"Right in the Eye is more than a showcase of the silent films of Georges Méliès, it is more than a showcase of modern music performed live. Rather, it is the perfect synthesis of the two, where Georges Méliès’ films and the live performance of Jean-François Alcoléa’s music perfectly complement each other ."

— Cultural voice of North Carolina