Tickets are $20/Adults & $15/Members for this special event.
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Right in the Eye (En plein dans l’œil) is a mutltimedia show composed of 12 films by Georges Méliès, a pioneer of the Cinema and a wizard of special effects.
On stage, three virtuoso musicians play some fifty different instruments, including rare and unique ones, breathing fresh impetus into these cinematographic gems.
In a subtly-staged setting, in perfect symbiosis with the imagery, the musicians transport us in an inventive production, performed both onstage and onscreen, that reflects the creative genius of Méliès. []
Concept, music compositions and sound
creation, keyboard, piano frame, melodica,
miscellaneous objects:
Jean-François Alcoléa
Drums, guitar:
Fabrice Favriou or Hervé Joubert
Sound, keyboard, percussion, objects:
Mathieu Lucas
Lighting and video:
Noémie Mancia or Eric Seldubuisson
With the collaboration of Claire Bergerault,
voice; Alain-Bernard Billy, lighting; Guillaume
Habrias, guitar; Laurent Meunier, vidéo
packaging Régis Roudier, outside gate; Sophie
Burgaud and Daniel Péraud, construction, sets
Vidéo capture:
Alain Chasseuil and Batiste Combret
Production: PASOA - Alcoléa & cie
Partnerships: Lobster Films, La Cinémathèque
Française, Nuances Pianos, Jazz à Poitiers,
La Rotative - Maison des Projets (86), La M3Q
(86), La Caravelle (33)
With the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Region, Poitou Charentes Cinema – Visual
Image Education Dept., OARA, the Department
of Vienne, DRAC for cultural initiatives, ADAMI,
SACEM, SPEDIDAM, CNM, the French Institute
Watch Trailer