Short films made as part of the SATO 48 (2012) film festival. Details on individual screenings and groups below. All films ordered alphabetically and do not necessarily reflect the order in which they will be screened. Each 55-minute screening requires a ticket. **GROUP BARNAM:** _Friday @ 5pm; Saturday @ 2:30pm; Saturday @ 8:30 pm_ FILM TITLES: A Song and Dance: Dream's Requiem; Antisocial Media; Different Shoes; Fear the Zepinator; In Between Traffic; My Brother, The Inventor; Pudding + Penelope; The Graying Pages; Transparent; Working Title: A Filmmaker's Odyssey **GROUP ARISTOTLE:** _Friday @ 5:30pm; Saturday @ 1:30pm; Saturday @ 10pm_ FILM TITLES: Black Cop/White Cop 2; Contesa Fraterna; Death and Candy; Exchange; Josiah's Dilemma; Meme Factory; Suviving the Nighmare; The Half Baked Scheme; True Story, Bro...Well, Kind of; When You're Ready **GROUP EDISON:** _Friday @ 6:30pm; Saturday @ 7:30pm; Sunday @ 2pm_ FILM TITLES: A Dull Story by Sharpknife; Awesome; BLENDER; Creepers Jeepers; Dissonance & Grace; Extra Credit; I Knew Him First; Lovers Inn; The Final Question; The Magician; We Are Gathered Here Today: For a Reaper's Game **GROUP CLEOPATRA:** _Friday @ 7:30pm; Saturday @ 4:30pm; Sunday @ 5pm_ FILM TITLES: Call It Something Special; Deceit; Discharge; First Impressions; Insurgency; inventors; JIZZY JAY - THE HEART OF A LION; Lights, Camera, Rapture!; No Oatmeal For Dummies; remember; The Fortune Cookie **GROUP DON JUAN:** _Friday @ 8:30pm; Saturday @ 3:30pm; Sunday @ 6pm_ FILM TITLES: Beta Forever; Classified Files: Case 4-13; ctrl.alt.delete.; Devils Don't Sleep; Gorbovsky; Juan Gigante is Not The Hulk; Marty McSpy: Agent of P.O.O.P.S.; Match; Moral Hostility; Service With a Smile; The Last Heist **GROUP FLORENCE:** _Friday @ 9:30pm; Saturday @ 6:30pm; Sunday @ 4:00 pm_ FILM TITLES: A Bedtime Story; Character Revenge; Circle of Blue; Haunted; Koi Inai Ni De Sashin; Masques; Miranda The Teenage Ninja; One Degree; The Award; VooDoo PEZ; Who We Are (The Couples) **GROUP GUINEVERE** _Friday @ 10:30pm; Saturday @ 5:30pm; Sunday @ 3pm_ FILM TITLES: A Reunion; Firebull; HTC Surround 5MP Camera Test.mov; Marvelous; My life as Wigman; Routine; Santa's Little Helper; SATO 48 Hours Mysteries: a P.F.I. Miami; Snowman; The Inventors Creation; The Rendering
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