Science on Screen Film Series All screenings are free and made possible thanks to a generous grant fro the Alfred P. Sloan Foundaition and [Coolide Corner Theatre Foundation](http://www.coolidge.org/programs/science-on-screen). Synopsis: Children of Men envisages a world one generation from now that has fallen into anarchy on the heels of an infertility defect in the population. The world's youngest citizen has just died at 18, and humankind is facing the likelihood of its own extinction. Set against the backdrop of London torn apart by violence and nationalistic sects, the film follows disillusioned bureaucrat Theo (Owen) as he becomes an unlikely champion of Earth's survival. (Universal Pictures) There will be a post show discussion with Biologist Dr. Chris Barnhart (MSU) about the social impacts of declining birth rates as well as pollutants that disrupt sexual development.
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