Dr. Teresa J. Hornsby will lead a post show discussion of the film. Great insights to great films courtesy of Drury’s Humanities faculty. This series is made possible by a grant from the [Missouri Humanities Council](http://www.mohumanities.org/). Son of Man (2006) is a powerful retelling of the story of Jesus. South African director Mark Dornford-May stays true to the Gospel stories but transposes first century Judea’s extreme poverty, perpetual cycle of violence, and its depravity of corrupt politicians to a contemporary, Soweto-esque township in South Africa. This film is an innovative and visually stunning presentation of that well-known story. More than any other “Jesus” film, it transcends historical context by portraying the destitution of the time, while conveying the sliver of hope that began within a small circle of revolutionaries and spread to millions. The personal is political.
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