In the last two weeks of February, the Moxie hosted 360 third graders from 10 Springfield Public Schools for our Exploring Visual Literacy Experience. They joined us at the theater for a 90 minute workshop where they explored the art and science of visual storytelling. We were surprised and excited every day by their engagement and thoughtful comments as they explored how color, camera shots and sound communicate meaning. Thanks to a grant from the Springfield Regional Arts Council and support from our members, we were able to offer this unique out-of-classroom experience at no cost to schools.
Our goal is to expand it to include even more schools in future years. Take a look at these photos and if you feel inspired, please consider making a donation at to help us engage even more young people through the power of film.

What is visual literacy anyway?

YouTube. SnapChat. Movies. Cartoons. Ads. Educational videos. A wild array of visual media saturates the lives of our children. Yet we spend little time helping them understand how sound and image combine to create a story; evoke a mood; frame an argument or…sell a toy. Visual literacy is the ability to understand, interpret and evaluate visual messages. Developing such critical thinking skills is not a luxury. Our new Visual Literacy Workshops aim to help 3rd grade students not only understand our world but be more able to communicate within it.

Key Learning Standards
...and popcorn

Working in partnership with Springfield Public Schools leadership, the program is designed to address key learning standards while also corresponding with when students first receive a Chromebook to use throughout the academic year. The program will be offered at no cost to schools, ensuring all students will have an opportunity to participate regardless of school or personal financial resources.